The Happier
School Program

The following is a description of a comprehensive,
multi-year educational intervention program
with the purpose of helping an entire school community
—students, school staff, and parents—attain higher
levels of happiness.


"Children learn best when they are happy.”
- Nel Noddings -

The Happier
School Program

The following is a description of a comprehensive, multi-year educational intervention program with the purpose of helping an entire school community—students, school staff, and parents—attain higher levels of happiness.


"Children learn best when they are happy.”
- Nel Noddings -

Why a Happier School?

For students to thrive and flourish in the fast-changing, ever-challenging, world, they need to learn more than reading, writing and arithmetic, more than science, art and the humanities. It is no less important that they learn to find a sense of purpose, take care of their physical wellbeing, learn to grow from failure and hardship, nurture healthy relationships, as well as deal with painful emotions and cultivate pleasurable ones.

These skills and abilities will contribute to students’ overall psychological wellbeing—both making them happier, as well as playing a preventative role, making the present and future onset of mental health issues less likely. Additionally, students will perform better academically and, later, professionally.

Why a Happier School?

For students to thrive and flourish in the fast-changing, ever-challenging, world, they need to learn more than reading, writing and arithmetic, more than science, art and the humanities. It is no less important that they learn to find a sense of purpose, take care of their physical wellbeing, learn to grow from failure and hardship, nurture healthy relationships, as well as deal with painful emotions and cultivate pleasurable ones.

These skills and abilities will contribute to students’ overall psychological wellbeing—both making them happier, as well as playing a preventative role, making the present and future onset of mental health issues less likely. Additionally, students will perform better academically and, later, professionally.

“By education I mean an all-round drawing out of the best
in the child and man; body, mind and spirit.”

- Mahatma Gandhi -

Why happiness?

Two large-scale evaluation studies that have accompanied the program's implementation in recent years, and have been published in international research journals, have shown a significant association between participation in the program and reduction of mental symptoms such as anxiety and depression, increased positive emotions, optimism, self-esteem, improvement in self-esteem In school and in academic achievement, which is reflected in a significant increase in the grade average.

Improved relationships
among children and adults

Better overall performance
in school and, later on in life,
in the workplace

Stronger immune system and
improved physical health

Lower rates of violence, bullying, depression and anxiety

Higher levels of creativity,
productivity and engagement

Higher levels of resilience
and self-confidence

Why happiness?

Two large-scale evaluation studies that have accompanied the program's implementation in recent years, and have been published in international research journals, have shown a significant association between participation in the program and reduction of mental symptoms such as anxiety and depression, increased positive emotions, optimism, self-esteem, improvement in self-esteem In school and in academic achievement, which is reflected in a significant increase in the grade average.

Improved relationships
among children and adults

Better overall performance
in school and, later on in life,
in the workplace

Stronger immune system and
improved physical health

Lower rates of violence, bullying, depression and anxiety

Higher levels of creativity,
productivity and engagement

Higher levels of resilience
and self-confidence

“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.”
- Aristotle -

What are the components
of a Happier School program?

The Happier School Program is online in its entirety, and spans at least three years.
The school receives the following from the Happiness Studies Academy:

“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.”
- Aristotle -

What are the components
of a Happier School program?

The Happier School Program is online in its entirety, and spans at least three years.
The school receives the following from the Happiness Studies Academy:

Video lectures

In preparation for delivering the curriculum and impacting the school environment, teachers receive approximately seven hours of video lectures which they can watch (and discuss) together, or on their own. The videos include:

six short lectures that provide an overview of the class in Happiness Studies. Specifically, the lecture describe the class content and pedagogy.

This is a lecture on applying the SPIRE model to education. 

A short 12-part course that introduces a number of tools and techniques that teachers can apply in their lives as well as in the classroom. 

An Introductory lecture from a year-long certificate program in Happiness Studies. 

In preparation for delivering the curriculum and impacting the school environment, teachers receive approximately seven hours of video lectures which they can watch (and discuss) together, or on their own. The videos include:

six short lectures that provide an overview of the class in Happiness Studies. Specifically, the lecture describe the class content and pedagogy.

This is a lecture on applying the SPIRE model to education. 

A short 12-part course that introduces a number of tools and techniques that teachers can apply in their lives as well as in the classroom. 


An Introductory lecture from a year-long certificate program in Happiness Studies. 


Schools recieve 6 lesson plans for each grade, constructed around one of the following formats: poem, short story, psychological study, philosophical text, movie or an online lecture. Students prepare in advance of class, by reading or watching the material, and then discussing it and doing exercises in class.

A global curriculum comprising great works of literature and art from different cultures as well as ancient wisdom and modern research from the world’s most influential thinkers.

Lesson plans can be delivered physically in class or via online meeting platforms for remote students.

A short 12-part course that introduces a number of tools and techniques that teachers can apply in their lives as well as in the classroom.

A distinct curriculum for each grade level in the school. The curriculum for any given year can be taught independently, without relying on previous knowledge, or as an interdependent part of a multi-year curriculum, building on what was taught in previous years.

Schools recieve 6 lesson plans for each grade, constructed around one of the following formats: poem, short story, psychological study, philosophical text, movie or an online lecture. Students prepare in advance of class, by reading or watching the material, and then discussing it and doing exercises in class.

A global curriculum comprising great works of literature and art from different cultures as well as ancient wisdom and modern research from the world’s most influential thinkers.

Lesson plans can be delivered physically in class or via online meeting platforms for remote students.

A short 12-part course that introduces a number of tools and techniques that teachers can apply in their lives as well as in the classroom.

A distinct curriculum for each grade level in the school. The curriculum for any given year can be taught independently, without relying on previous knowledge, or as an interdependent part of a multi-year curriculum, building on what was taught in previous years.

Access to Online Content and Community

Teachers and staff of Happier Schools, receive access to an online learning management system ("LMS") that brings together teachers from all participating schools. The LMS provides the following content:

Curriculum content created and shared by teachers, organized according to grade level. Teachers can share their own content for the benefit of other teachers and schools.

Forum for teachers to ask questions and talk shop with other teachers and with experts from the Happiness Studies Academy.

Written and video content including research and other relevant material put together by the Happiness Studies Academy. Teachers will also have the opportunity to share content that they encountered and is relevant for the Happier School.

Teachers and staff of Happier Schools, receive access to an online learning management system ("LMS") that brings together teachers from all participating schools. The LMS provides the following content:

Curriculum content created and shared by teachers, organized according to grade level. Teachers can share their own content for the benefit of other teachers and schools.

Forum for teachers to ask questions and talk shop with other teachers and with experts from the Happiness Studies Academy.

Written and video content including research and other relevant material put together by the Happiness Studies Academy. Teachers will also have the opportunity to share content that they encountered and is relevant for the Happier School.

Happier School Booklet

The Happier Schools booklet comprises evidence-based interventions for increasing student and staff wellbeing. The booklet focuses on the 3 Rs of change (reminders, repetitions, rituals) and introduces topics such as the strength-based approach, goalsetting, mindfulness, journaling, improvisation, gratitude and more. The booklet can expend the circle of influence to the wider community, as well as reinforce the material learned in school.

Access to Year-Long Certificate in Happiness Studies

Each year that the school is participating in the program, it will be able to put one teacher through the intensive year-long Certificate in Happiness Studies. This is meant for teachers who are willing and able to be the Happier School champions within their schools. Teachers who graduate from the certificate program will have the know-how to run programs for other teachers as well as for the rest of the school community -- including parents.

Parent Engagement Training

Activities that will help ensure the success of your work as a Happiness School teacher by the support of parents. The module was developed by the experts of Parents International, a Happiness Schools partner having a long experience of training, mentoring and coaching teachers for partnership with parents.


Activities that will help ensure the success of your work as a Happiness School teacher by the support of parents. The module was developed by the experts of Parents International, a Happiness Schools partner having a long experience of training, mentoring and coaching teachers for partnership with parents.


About Your Instructor

Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar is the co-founder of the Happiness Studies Academy, as well as the creator and instructor of the Certificate in Happiness Studies program.  

After graduating from Harvard with a BA in Philosophy and Psychology and a PhD in Organizational Behavior, Tal taught two of the most popular courses in Harvard’s history: Positive Psychology and The Psychology of Leadership. He also taught Happiness Studies at Columbia University.

He is an international, best- selling author whose books have been translated into more than 25 languages.  

Tal is a certified yoga instructor whose work bridges Eastern and Western traditions, ancient wisdom and modern technology, science and art.

About Your Instructor

Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar is the co-founder of the Happiness Studies Academy, as well as the creator and instructor of the Certificate in Happiness Studies program.

After graduating from Harvard with a BA in Philosophy and Psychology and a PhD in Organizational Behavior, Tal taught two of the most popular courses in Harvard’s history: Positive Psychology and The Psychology ofLeadership, and currently teaches Happiness Studies at Columbia University.

He is an international, best- selling author whose books have been translated into more than 25 languages.

In addition to establishing The Happiness Studies Academy, he is also the co-founder of Potentialife and Happier.TV. Tal is a certified yoga instructor whose work bridges Eastern and Western traditions, ancient wisdom and modern technology, science and art.